arniejane wrote on Sep 28, 2004:
hi its me again!! i missed this site!! pardon me for not visitin dis site sometimes... by the way,i juz lyk to request hre da song my prerogative by britney spears,sorry i requested hre,cuz i really need it now...
see ya!
Reply by Aiken:
We will put on the new Britney songs in a couple of days. We're typing at the moment.
jV5D0FW87Z wrote on Sep 24, 2004:
Reply by Wolf:
Who the hell do you think you are? Your offense will be taken as serious and access to this website will be denied.
armatage wrote on Sep 24, 2004:
nice site.
Reply by Wolf:
Heather wrote on Sep 21, 2004:
this page rocks the casbah!!!
Reply by Aiken:
You to!!!
Carolina wrote on Sep 21, 2004:
Just want to say THANKS for extremely quick reply when searching for a lyric I knew about 5 words from! THANK YOU Aiken! :-)
Reply by Aiken:
That's what we are here for, hon. You're very welcome!
Rosie Roo wrote on Sep 18, 2004:
Thank ya sooooo much!!! Your Joss stone lyrics are great-and your the only website i can find with her new albums lyrics!! wooo
Rosie xxx
Reply by Wolf:
Thank you very much. I am glad I added them a few weeks ago :)
Carmen A. AraƱo wrote on Sep 14, 2004:
A million thanks for giving the songs i had requested..i hope this site will never fade!!! THIS IS TOTALY COOL SITE!!!EVERYBODY ROCKS!!!
Reply by Wolf:
Thank you very much. We work hard to fulfil anything lyrical you want. We won't cease to exist. Ever ;-)
J&S Project wrote on Sep 07, 2004:
Hi friend, your site is very very good!!!
Please listen our new release:
Reply by Aiken:
Thanks for the compliments.
es wrote on Sep 05, 2004:
i must say that this is a damn good site! euhm , willen julie er ook eens wat meer hollandse hiphop op zetten? please!!! en foto's daarvan ,want ik vind er geen 1 van hun :s , nou jah , alvast bedankt, voor de rest is deze site vet zalig! :) houdoe ES
Reply by Aiken:
Olla Es,
Thank you for the kind words.
Er staat al behoorlijk wat Ne'erlandse HipHop op. De meeste is echter zo slecht en van een zo hoog 1-dagsvlieg-gehalte dat het alweer terecht uit de charts is op het moment dat we het er eventueel zouden opzetten. Foto's zou je nog wel eens kunnen verwachten hier. Mazzel!
Timmy Juntz wrote on Sep 04, 2004:
Get the Juntz out man I mean really, lets get those lyrics out there so the people can get their teeth into them . . . Let my people go get the Juntz lyric arcive and conjoluate the knowldage through the masses.
"Taste the rainbow"
Reply by Wolf:
You have abused our guestbook by linking to pornography. You will receive a warning for this violation.
dcs wrote on Aug 28, 2004:
Great Site! I just saw Evanescence with Breaking Benjamin, and wanted to drop by and tell veryone to check those two out on tour together right now. Thanks.
Reply by Aiken:
Thank you for sharing the information and the compliments!
Envinyatar wrote on Aug 27, 2004:
thank you so much for adding the lyrics of 12 STONES! i love this site, and since these lyrics weren't available here i really appreciate that they've been added.
Reply by Wolf:
Thank you for your message! We are glad to hear you are happy with it. Aiken, me and the Submasters work hard to add lyrics every day!
Tracy wrote on Aug 27, 2004:
i luv phill collins songs.the best is. in the air tonight.i love that song.the best.take care..tracy
Reply by Aiken:
I agree: it's a great song! Bye bye for now.
Soeris wrote on Aug 23, 2004:
Many, many thanks for finding the lyrics of Bone Thug N Harmony
Reply by Aiken:
You're very welcome. I hope to add more in the near future.
Kind regards,
chynna wrote on Aug 23, 2004:
COOL webbie!...Love JOJO! lyrics rocks..this SITE rocks!..keep it up!..lolz..
Reply by Aiken:
Thanks for the kind words!
N.Mirteymori wrote on Aug 19, 2004:
vandaag bezocht ik deze site en kreeg ik een melding dat ik de 1000ste bezoeker was en een prijs gewonnen heb.Wat geld en nog iets van Disnyland.
Maar toen heeft iemand perongeluk op het kruisje gedrukt en was het berichtje weg.Dus nu heb ik die telefoonnummer niet kunnen jullie me die aub nog een keer vertellen?Dus stuur graag een e-mail terug!
groetjes nicki
Reply by Aiken:
Aangezien je (iemand) op een kruisje hebt gedrukt, betekent het dat het een pop-up of een pop-under was. Dit is in elk geval niet van gekomen, daar wij geen enkele pop-up of pop-under hebben.
Buiten dat heeft onze site in haar bestaan miljoenen bezoekers gehad.
Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid heb je via een andere site onze site bezocht en heeft die site bij het verlaten je een pop-up gegeven met die mededeling.
elizabeth wrote on Aug 17, 2004:
Thanks so much for your good lyrics and your excellent website.Go on, ALL the Best
Reply by Wolf:
Thank you very much.
Ceristimo wrote on Aug 14, 2004:
Oke, I will stop fooling around..Sorry wolf, really, but I just noticed a bug....When you have added an message to the guestbook, and then press F5 in IE, it post the same message again..Look...I've posted my other message one time, and then presses F5 twice ( not knowing my messages would double) and know my previous message is added three times...I'm really sorry, just delete them :) And ofcoursem try and fix the bug ;)
Reply by Wolf:
That's not really a bug - that's just the way browsers handle forms. It's not really something you can avoid, but well, there is an option ofcourse. We will think about fixing this bug, although nobody has really used it yet.
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Please do not request any lyrics here. You can do that on our make a request page.
Please do not request any lyrics here. You can do that on our make a request page.