Forum : Off Topic : Problems with school or at hom
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Problems with school or at hom
why don't you tell us your problems at school or
at home???Either it be bout boys,( or girls if
your a boy.) with your parents, friends, or just
some popular kids who won't leave you alone! Come
tell us
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i is so happy. i got no problems.
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It seems this topic of problems evolved to
cutting. My advice is to do whatever you want.
It's probably not good advice but what is good and bad depends on the person. After all, it is your life - right? If cutting is your thing, who is anyone to stop you. Yeah, they can give opinions - you know what is (relative) good or bad. If you are going to do it, do it.
As long as you don't cut SOMEONE ELSE, it's all good.
People will probably strongly disagree, but whose life is it? Say no all you want, all people have habits. Some smoke/drink/snort coke or w/e. Whether it's good or bad doesn't matter. Whether the person wants to or not do it does matter.
There are good choices and bad depending on you. What might be right for some, aren't for others.
I choose not to because I don't like that stuff to me. Besides, I'm sure you hear it's bad a lot - it all ammounts to how you feel about it.
I'm not promoting it - I don't do it. But it's your choice.
It's probably not good advice but what is good and bad depends on the person. After all, it is your life - right? If cutting is your thing, who is anyone to stop you. Yeah, they can give opinions - you know what is (relative) good or bad. If you are going to do it, do it.
As long as you don't cut SOMEONE ELSE, it's all good.
People will probably strongly disagree, but whose life is it? Say no all you want, all people have habits. Some smoke/drink/snort coke or w/e. Whether it's good or bad doesn't matter. Whether the person wants to or not do it does matter.
There are good choices and bad depending on you. What might be right for some, aren't for others.
I choose not to because I don't like that stuff to me. Besides, I'm sure you hear it's bad a lot - it all ammounts to how you feel about it.
I'm not promoting it - I don't do it. But it's your choice.
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How can I silence my taste and stop binging
without using diet pills or losing my energy?
I feel avid commonly, would supplements help?
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