Paris Hilton
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First 20 of a total of 54 reviews for Paris Hilton: | |
Guest wrote on 4th Feb 2009, 6:44h: I myself think that Paris Hilton is a talentless, worthless (besides the millions of friggin unearned dollars she's worth) rodent. Wow, when did I get so MEAN? Buddy |
Guest wrote on 8th Mar 2008, 1:24h: Chawello, she's a little pretty, until you see her crosseyes. |
Guest wrote on 4th Mar 2008, 9:45h: Very well... And what my dear, is your opinion about the lovely Paris Hilton? |
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Guest wrote on 1st Mar 2008, 22:24h: Charwello, Jenny doesn't think she's beautiful. That's her opinion and that's yours. |
Guest wrote on 28th Feb 2008, 11:25h: Ok , so Paris is a singer . Some like her some don't .But if you take my opinion which is what I'm giving she's a stupid dumb assed daughter of a millionaire who tries her hand at everything she finds ,just cauz her fathers wallet is a little too big and well she can afford it.From porn flicks too writing books she has tried her hands at everything,now its singing.So all those who think she's a curse to the human ear you dont have ta worry cauz she'll soon get "bored" and take her dumb ass some where else. |
Guest wrote on 6th Nov 2007, 14:03h: I totally agree with u, Roxy Diva! |
Guest wrote on 6th Nov 2007, 14:00h: All you people, just leave Paris alone... |
Guest wrote on 6th Nov 2007, 8:31h: Paris is better than before nowadays. She's not pretty but trendy in front of the camera,but the prob is she can't sing.She's jz a Gwen Stefani wannabe, Gwen is much more better than the bitchy Paris!!! |
Guest wrote on 4th Nov 2007, 7:33h: Paris? Pretty? Gimme a break, Charwello! |
Guest wrote on 3rd Oct 2007, 3:37h: I think the reason why I dislike Paris Hilton was well explained in my second to last reveiw here, hun. And I won't explain myself again. |
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Guest wrote on 2nd Oct 2007, 9:49h: Dearest Jenny... Alrite, so you don't call her a thing of beauty. Then what is beautiful? I think you're just one of the most of the people who don't like her because most of the people just don't like her. You've never looked at her as a singer that is, you just don't care. You don't like her because people are sayin so. Maybe you're angry because she's in the lime-light so much, even I got bored by reading about her in the paper everyday. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with her voice and there's abseloutly nothing wrong with her looks! Next time, get up-close and have a good look. Good day! |
Guest wrote on 2nd Oct 2007, 8:32h: Dear, dear Charwello... As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it could be that your view on beauty is just below my standards. Still, - whether or not Paris's oddly and uneven spaced eyes, of which you call "beautiful," still doesn't compensate for her lack of ungodly talent. I still stand by on what I said before whole-heartedly, and I must agree with J-Force ;) Love, Jenny |
Guest wrote on 1st Oct 2007, 16:49h: Her musical skills and bible knowledge are on the same level. She said she wanted to do some charity. Here's your chance to save the world, Paris: stop singing! |
Guest wrote on 1st Oct 2007, 10:30h: I think Paris is the most beautiful thing that's ever walked the face of the earth. Be it her voice, her body or her eyes, I just love everything about her. I also think that all those people are blind & crazy who dislike her. P.S. Don't listen to Jenny. |
Guest wrote on 7th Aug 2007, 11:01h: Ugh. What a complete ickwad of disgust, she is. I am absolutely stunned that people actually BOUGHT her album and claimed to "like," or even "love," her songs. I cannot be the only person to say that there ARE artists out there, dead or alive mind you, who are much better than this poor excuse of a singer. Lacking talent, grace, and with no looks to even make a good picture... God, I would suggest for her to do something more productive, but it seems there is absolutely nothing this girl is even mildly good at when it comes to 'being productive.' |
Guest wrote on 21st Jul 2007, 11:49h: You know Paris is sexy But the only I can say is she is nothing but a second rate trying hard copy cat!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Stefani is much beautiful Than her |
Guest wrote on 12th Jun 2007, 18:03h: she can't sing . she is famous is becoz of her big bucks... if it isn't 4 her wealth , nobody even wanna noe her or juz even get a glimpse at her ugly , bitchy face !!! |
Guest wrote on 12th Jun 2007, 18:00h: 2 words : HATE HER!!! |
Guest wrote on 10th Jun 2007, 22:54h: **in |
Guest wrote on 10th Jun 2007, 22:54h: I am so angry that she didn't spend her full 45 days n jail. D: |