
Lyrics: Star 69

Artist: Fatboy Slim
Song: Star 69
Released: 2002
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Star 69 lyrics
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut

They just strut

What the fuck
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
what the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
what the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what they know
But they dont know what is what
They just know what they know
But they dont know what is what
They just know what they know
But they dont know what is what
They just strut

What the fuck

What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
what the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck

They know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just know what is what
But they dont know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck

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