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The olympic games
has anybody been following the beijing olympics and how about that opening ceromony that they had i thought personally it was amazing!!!
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I'm watching the Games. Nothing else to do. And yeah, the opening ceremony was great..
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Jenny Valentine
Ah, no, I haven't :[ I usually just crash whenever I get home. But from what I have seen from the opening ceremony... It did look quite wonderful, but I don't like the fact that they replaced the actual girl that sang because she isn't "cute enough."

I did hear something about the male's gymnastics team, but didn't catch what it was really about. But I hear Phelps is doing pretty well.

I'm mostly looking forward to the figure skating... It's always been my favorite to watch. :)
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To be honest i was quite disappointed by this Olypmic Games and i'm not sure why. I think it's because China wanted to be the best and did anything they possibly could to be the best. This included cheating and like you said jenny, replacing that girl because she wasn't "cute enough". I thought she was really cute, so i hope china are disappointed in themselves!
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