
Forum : Off Topic : Awwwww.....

omg, i'm about to cry... i just watched episodes 48, 49, and 50 of naruto. (SOB!) ahhhh! okay! i'll admit it! this might sound crazy, but i've fallen in love with *rock lee*! and it makes sense cause he's a saggitarius and i'm a scorpio! according to my books, they're soulmates!and why am i crying?gaara and rock lee fight,and rock lee is deathly injured!the flashbacks from e.49 were also sad!WHY THE HELL WER THEY SO MEAN TO HIM JUST CAUSE HE COULDN'T PREFORM ILLUSION JUTSU AND ALL THAT STUFF?!:(
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(continuing it)
i feel so sorry for him! (still sobbing) and i just wish there was some kind of way i could actually BE in the show! and, well, i wanna actually have a way to "communicate" with him! at least one person besides me on this website has got to know how that feels!
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kurenei is so pretty... anywy, isn't there any girl on the show that likes him? Masashi Kishimoto, you made that kinda screwd up. (sakura shows him respect, she still likes sasuke, remembr?)
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