Forum : Favorite artists and albums : First musical memories
First musical memories
Hi, since i'm new here, i thougt this was a nice
way to do some kind of introduction (i tried the
'making friends' door, but it was closed, so i
guess i can do this here?)I'm not planning on
writing that much, but just lurking isn't my style
either . Anyway, my earliest strong musical
memories are these:
The first one - there is that story about me dancing, again and again, on 'kung fu fighting' by carl douglas, mid seventies, but that's my parents' memory, not mine - goes back to when i was about nine years old. It was emmylou harris's version of 'mister sandman'. I remember hearing it on the car radio,
on a - for the kid i was then - very, very long and hot trip to france, singing along, loving the sweetness of
that song, the cool breeze it brought in that hot car. It's still a song i love to sing
when i'm in a happy mood.
nine to ten years old was definitely the age music started hitting me, from that same period i remember big,
big excitement hearing 'superfreak' by rick james going over smoothly in prince's '1999'. car radio again, on the
almost legendary brussels' radio station radio cité. I remember repeating both song titles and artists in my head all the way home,
not wanting to forget them. i never forget prince; 'went to my first prince concert in vorst nationaal
when i was fourteen,chapperoned by the boy next door, who was the same age. I still love the thought that my parents
let me do this, at that young age, it was great.
Next on my list is 'i was made for loving you', a huge hit for kiss at the start of the eighties (i think?). Back then, this was a heavy song and i felt very cool liking it.
Finally (i could go on an on with this, but 'want to keep it to early memories) i picked up a cure song, on my portable radio, must have been the summer of '83 according to Yahoomusic, so i was to turn twelve later that year.
It was summer vacation, i heard this song sitting in our garden and hushed inside to get a blank tape to record as much of 'love cats' as i could. I was really hooked on this song for months;it was so different from what i used to hear on my radio. now, twenty years later, i still like the cure, i bought about every prince album (and some bootlegs) there is to buy and, although kiss doesn't sound nearly as loud and heavy to me now,as they did then, i still love the kick you can get from hearing an adrenalin or instant-happiness provoking song for the first time.
The first one - there is that story about me dancing, again and again, on 'kung fu fighting' by carl douglas, mid seventies, but that's my parents' memory, not mine - goes back to when i was about nine years old. It was emmylou harris's version of 'mister sandman'. I remember hearing it on the car radio,
on a - for the kid i was then - very, very long and hot trip to france, singing along, loving the sweetness of
that song, the cool breeze it brought in that hot car. It's still a song i love to sing
when i'm in a happy mood.
nine to ten years old was definitely the age music started hitting me, from that same period i remember big,
big excitement hearing 'superfreak' by rick james going over smoothly in prince's '1999'. car radio again, on the
almost legendary brussels' radio station radio cité. I remember repeating both song titles and artists in my head all the way home,
not wanting to forget them. i never forget prince; 'went to my first prince concert in vorst nationaal
when i was fourteen,chapperoned by the boy next door, who was the same age. I still love the thought that my parents
let me do this, at that young age, it was great.
Next on my list is 'i was made for loving you', a huge hit for kiss at the start of the eighties (i think?). Back then, this was a heavy song and i felt very cool liking it.
Finally (i could go on an on with this, but 'want to keep it to early memories) i picked up a cure song, on my portable radio, must have been the summer of '83 according to Yahoomusic, so i was to turn twelve later that year.
It was summer vacation, i heard this song sitting in our garden and hushed inside to get a blank tape to record as much of 'love cats' as i could. I was really hooked on this song for months;it was so different from what i used to hear on my radio. now, twenty years later, i still like the cure, i bought about every prince album (and some bootlegs) there is to buy and, although kiss doesn't sound nearly as loud and heavy to me now,as they did then, i still love the kick you can get from hearing an adrenalin or instant-happiness provoking song for the first time.
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okay, three times 's two to much, i'm sorry, first
timer's mistake...did't know refreshing the page
would...oh well, please, forgive me.
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Well My First Musical related Memory was in
southapton city centre when, out of hi bag, my dad
retrieved a copy of 'transformer' by lou
was the only album i had at the timeso i listened
to it over and over again and only now do i
appreciate the blow job references:D
so this album, and especially the song perfect day, brings back a lot of memories. my family all love their music and i also remember one xmas when we were all there listening to fleetwood mac...everybody was drunkenly singing along but me:(. so those are my first musical would be nice to hear other peoples :D
so this album, and especially the song perfect day, brings back a lot of memories. my family all love their music and i also remember one xmas when we were all there listening to fleetwood mac...everybody was drunkenly singing along but me:(. so those are my first musical would be nice to hear other peoples :D
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