
View profile of Wolf

The Netherlands
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Welcome guys!

I am Wolf, one of the "founding fathers" of

Responses to profile Wolf

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Aiken wrote on Nov 27, 2013 on 06:09h:
Yeah, let's see what happens. :)
Aiken wrote on Nov 25, 2013 on 08:36h:
How do you like our new site, mate?

Last 10 lyrics reviews of Wolf

Review of In My Pocket:
Hans, it is not a serious song.
Review of Down N Dirty:
Then what is it?
Review of Dear Penis:
@Aiken: Tenacious D is comedy combined with music.
Review of Smells Like Teen Spirit:
Well, I think that's only cool Aiken :-)
Review of Smells Like Teen Spirit:
You do Aiken? Hahah, I never knew you were into that back then.
Review of I Wanna Fuck You (ft Snoop Dogg):
I am not sure whether this is music.. it looks like just .. sound.. to me.
Review of My Love:
If there are any mistakes, you can correct them, 0101101101.
Review of Redneck Stomp:
Instrumental, yet a very good song. Excellent guitar riffs and drums. The absence of vocals usually makes metal rather plain, but this song also rocks the stage when performed live!
Review of Crazy:
One of the best songs of the summer, in contrast with all the junk on the radio that annoyed me while doing some holiday work.
Review of Patience:
Take that away. Take that isn't what it used to be, and I didn't even like it before. Guide

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